majik 3d

Subject: majik 3d
From: Timmy Douglas (
Date: Tue Feb 20 2001 - 03:39:48 EET

I was looking for a free 3D RPG that will run on my machine. Yours is
the first I stumbled over. This caught my eye:

Permanent death

 When a character dies, it is removed and ceases to exist. The same
 goes for Non-Player Characters (NPCs) as well. This feature has
 received much criticism for one obvious reason: people don't like to
 lose their characters. However, we want death to be serious. We don't
 want a world where people run around attacking dragons blindly or
 acting against common sense in general. Permanent death is possibly
 the only effective way to achieve this. However, when the character
 gains in power the character might have then gained his/her deity's
 favor and he/she might have a chance to be resurrected by the deity
 itself or one of its fervent followers.

Are you trying to keep your community limited? If you know that people
do not like losing all their work, I don't understand why you are
doing it. Sometimes I think gameplay comes before being
realistic. Life is for being realistic, I want to have fun playing

btw, i think you have too many mailing lists---it kept me from
subscribing to one. :)

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