RPG Advice

Subject: RPG Advice
From: Ed Myers (dootees@modempool.com)
Date: Mon Jun 05 2000 - 09:13:35 EEST


Your website appears interesting.  I have a similar dream.  I am currently learning C++ so that I too can contribute to the RPG genre.  I have been looking at starting my own MUD, beginning with ROM, an offspring of Diku, and just recently discovered LPMUD.  Since I am a long way away from being able to do what you are doing with Majik I'm not so concerned with the 3D aspect yet. Apart from that, I'm wondering if you have any advice you could give me concerning the pro's and con's of a diku base MUD versus the LPMUD.  Any other advice to a novice programmer would be greatly appreciated as well.

Thank you for your time,

Ed Myers

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