FW: Help with majik3d

Subject: FW: Help with majik3d
From: Jari Saukkonen (jari.saukkonen@cs.helsinki.fi)
Date: Thu Jun 01 2000 - 00:12:28 EEST

-----Original Message-----
From: Gramit144@aol.com [mailto:Gramit144@aol.com]
Sent: 31. toukokuuta 2000 22:44
To: dazzt@majik3d.org
Subject: Help with majik3d

Hey, I was wondering if I could help out with the creation of Majik3d.  I
know how to use 3d graphic tools, and I have a few.  I am willing to learn
programing code.  If you could lead me the right way, and to the right tools
I would be willing to help out!  Thanks!

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