Majik 3D with NVIDIA XFree4 drivers

Subject: Majik 3D with NVIDIA XFree4 drivers
From: Ian Hastie (
Date: Tue May 09 2000 - 04:30:27 EEST

I have attempted to run it with both the precompiled binary and a self
compiled version.  Both times the display is solid black with only the
fps counter and the menus showing.  Have you any idea how this can be
sorted out,  Do you know if anyone else using these drivers is having
similar problems??

There is an eror that occurs during run.  This is an extract from the
debug=1 output from around where it occurs.

Input constructor
Menu constructor
Landscape constructor
Illegal mode passed to ssgSimpleState::disable(2912)
Object constructor
Scene constructor

I am using plib-1.1.11.

Thanks for your help,


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