
Subject: Ideas
From: Christopher G Winings (
Date: Tue May 09 2000 - 07:19:18 EEST

Hey guys,

	After my friend told me about you guys I became interested real quick
and so did the rest of my friends.  I have a few ideas that I believe
that would help make Majik 3D the best game ever.

-There should be a way to script the behavor of NPC's that you control. 
For instance:  My character has become extremely wealthy and owns a huge
estate.  I also have money to hire personal NPC gaurds that will protect
the house (an you while your not playing).  I should be able to define
where the gaurds walk or stand whether it be on the castle wall or
outside on the land of the land.  I should be able to define how I want
the gaurds to deal with certain people.  For example, people of one type
I want no where near my house so the gaurds could kill them, beat them
untill they were unconcious and drag there bodies far from the house, or
I could want my gaurds to capture them and throw them my own dungeon. 
Also, I should be able to define what measures to take at what times,
like if the person is outside my castle the gaurds will give warnings or
escort the person of the land, or if the person infiltrated my front door
that is when the gaurd try to kill the person, but say if the person has
no weapons or has no weapons drawn and isn't obviously trying to cast a
spell then I might want the gaurds to take less extreme measures as like
an execution.  Also, I should be able to design what positions my gaurds
should take based on numbers of both sides and position of the enemy. 
Say like some enemy gets past the front gate and is now in the courtyard,
I want to make it so that my gaurds block the exits as my archer gaurds
stand from the wall and pick off the intruder(s).

- Inversely, not all staff the wealthy player hires should be completely
loyal.  It's like the saying goes "Everyone has their price."  Say if I
wanted to be an assassin of some sort, or a  thief, I want to be able to
have a chance of breaking into that gaurded house.  Whether by bribery of
a gaurd or a clever disguise or just being plain sneaky, those gaurds
only limitations shouldn't be there hit points.  Gaurds should be faced
with "decisions" and chances to look after there own self interest.  So
depending how the employer of the house treats the gaurds should
influance there loyalty rating.  For example, if the employer pays the
gaurds well, supply the gaurds with good equipment, doesn't make the
gaurds work incredebly hard, and gives decent room and board, the gaurds
will probably do anything for you and fight till the end.  But if the
gaurds are mistreated, not payed well, overworked, and generaly not to
happy about their job.  They may quit, or maybe except bribes from
people, or maybe even in an extreme case help another player overthrow
the current owner of the house.  Also, (I don't know if the game does
this yet or not) the gaurds, and all potental NP enemy, should become
aware of players based on values for sound and sight, so it would be
possible for the thief to sneak directly past gaurds or monsters whether
the case should be.  Initally, the quality of gaurd the employer gets
should be based on how much he spends on the gaurd (quality can range
from how skilled of a fighter to how loyal they are).  Also gaurds might
also retreat in times of trouble, say if half of their numbers are gone
in seconds.

- A way that pick pocketing may work is first you select that you want to
use your pickpocketing skill and then you use your cursor to select what
or where you want to steal from on the person.  If you click on the
victim's backpack, when you walked close enough, you would randomly steal
something (you can also define a priority list of items to take.  Like,
gems,  then coins, then jewelery, then parchment, etc.) Or if you know
someguy has a ring that you really want that is in his satchel, you can
say that I only want to go for a ring in the satchel.  I think that other
less subtle ways of stealing should be in place.  Say I see a nice
looking sword dangling by scabard on some guy, giving that my guy is
strong enough (or I have a knife to cut the straps) I want to be able to
run up to the guy and rip that sword off of him and run for the hills
hoping to lose him.  Special tools should be available to the rogue such
as a grapling hook to climb those pesky walls or a blackjack to knock out
those pesky gaurds.

-Something I also would like to see is that I can script my character to
do things while I'm away from the game.  Like I could want my wizard
research magic or brew potions while I'm gone.  (I'm assuming that you
can gather materials and create things out of them when I say this next
sentance.) I also could want my blacksmith to forge more armor and
weapons as long as he doesn't run out of matirials or doesn't get

- An idea that a freind of mine came up with is letting towns and
proviences develop their own form of currency.  I think this ability will
be real neat.  Having the standardised money excepted through out the
world, but in certain area's some forms of money would be worthless and
some would be very valuble.

Thank you for reading my ideas and even though I know you guys must be
really busy, I'd really apreciate if you'd reply and tell me what you

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