Re: Penguin??? AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

Subject: Re: Penguin??? AGAIN!!!!!!!!!
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Tue Jul 13 1999 - 18:15:11 EEST

Yura Kovalenko wrote:
> I was expecting RPG - castles, knights, gragons... but no, penguin!

Version 0.00, milestone 1.

> And i couldn' get it to work with export MESA_GLX_FX=fullscreen, it starts in
> window anyway.

Were you root?

> BTW. I could start the yestarday version as well, i just copied data dir from
> the Tux game and i got it.

Not all are so smart.

> I just couldn't move cauz it was in a window.

Set screen to 320x200 using majikrc and disable textures, mouse, mousetrap,
fog and set shading to flat. You can then get approx. 10fps on PII233.

>  So when  are you planing to make it RPG instead of copying Tuxedo game?

Milestone 1 was to create working landscape and movement system. The next
version is to allow having multiple penguins (or whatever) walking on the
landscape, talking with each other == multiuser, the next version then is
to fix all the bugs and add boxes (buildings) and other such things to the
game so there could be the legendary Hilltop's Inn. Then we are going to
do more cities and stuff. It will take 3 months by my estimation.

> Do you have any 3D models ready? Any levels?

No. Also, we don't actually model the models. We do just few sketches and
then let the code dynamically generate the objects. Thus it is faster that
way and has also many advantages over static objects used in all the other

> Otherwise, it's gonna take half a year more to model all 3D stuff, i know :(

It would take more :) This is not a project to be coded in a few weeks. Our
estimation is that it will take _years_ until we can say the game is
playable, if it never will be. Majik's goal is not to provide playability

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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