Re: The Attic files & possible bugs on Win32 version

Subject: Re: The Attic files & possible bugs on Win32 version
From: Jari Saukkonen (
Date: Sun May 07 2000 - 13:55:03 EEST

> I got the .zip files from but when I unzipped
them I
> couldnt find any executables or runnable files. They all are folders or
have the
> Windows logo as their Icon. I have Windows 98, and I wonder if that could
be the
> problem. Please reply.

The files in the attic have the code for Majik3 and Majik4 servers.
Instructions on
how to install them are found in the file README.1ST. However, you will
surely need
some knowledge of programming to get them working. The packages are there in
for someone
to start developing the games further, there isn't much to do in the gaming

Both Majik3's and Majik4's servers are based on MudOS which must be compiled
in order
to get the server running. A version of MudOS exists for Windows, but it's
not supported
very actively so you might bump into unexpected problems. Also, we haven't
tested running
the servers under windows. To get the game running out-of-the-box (ie. with
instructions in README.1st) you will need somekind of Unix variant (Linux,
Solaris, ...) to compile and run the server.

> 1) I  downloaded the Majik 3D files and 0.4.0 and 0.3.1 run great, Except
I found
> that when I open the file Majik3d.exe from the 0.4.0 release and it puts
me in the
> DOS screen, The second message i get before I connect is "Illegal mode
passed to
> ssgSimpleStat::Disable(2912)" Minus the quote marks.


4.7. I get this "Illegal mode passed to
ssgSimpleState::disable(2912)" -error
   Because the current version of plib cannot handle enabling / disabling
fog while
   rendering the scene it gives  this warning. Currently it has absolutely
no effect
   on the gameplay and can be safely ignored.

> 2)  On 0.3.0 I ran the Executable, It put me in the DOS screen, But then
nothing happened,
> No messages, The DOS didnt terminate, nothing. Then I ran it again but
this time I kept it
> oppen for a few minutes and it started scrolling "FATAL ERROR: Could not
recieve data from
> host, connection closed?" Minus quote marks, I was connected to the
Internet while this happened.

The server's address has changed since the version 0.3.0. Edit the
majik3d.ini and change the
server's IP number to But then again, you don't need the older
version for anything,
trust me :).

++ Dazzt

Jari Saukkonen + | Coral
programming, music, keyboards, web, demos,  b5 | Nah-kolor
dazzt @ Majik3D RPG | Majik

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