
Subject: Fascinating
From: Spencer Cathey (scathey@concentric.net)
Date: Sun May 07 2000 - 08:02:06 EEST

Dear Majikants,

I just finished reading your entire site.  I wish you all the best luck on
this large undertaking.  I have seen more than one commercial project without
nearly your degree of organization.

Once you finish this one, would you consider recoding portions of your
simulation as an HLA federate?  (http://hla.dmso.mil)  What could be cooler
than majik vs. conventional forces in a real DoD sim?  Seems like a perfect
topic for goverment grants or book publishers to create HLA programming

Myself, I have been programming graphics for a while now.  I coded my first
cubic Bezier surface renderings on an Apple][  in 1982.  Some CNC algorithms I
wrote cut out electric guitar bodies for Gibson.  I worked for EA Canada, but
didn't like it. (credits on NHL96 PCCD)  Nowadays, I try to get commercial
ventures interested in Linux development, and now that China has said 'no' to
BIll, a lot more business people are listening.

Very impressive, keep churning!

Spencer Cathey

P.S.  At 43 years old, I can say for a fact Coke will rot your teeth as it did
mine, but because you do such good work, you will easily be able to afford root
canals and gold crowns, as I did.  Pick your pain!

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