To: Website Admin.

Subject: To: Website Admin.
From: Offenwangers (
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 05:06:44 EET

To:                Website Administrator

From:           Peter Offenwanger, Student

Re:               Request for Website Information

I am student doing a research report on online games. I would appreciate it
if you could help me by answering a few brief question. Just reply to this
message, and type your answer in the space provided beneath each question.
Leave blank any question that you would prefer not to answer for any reason.
The information gathered will be used strictly for the purpose of completing
my course assignments.

1.    How many man-hours went into the development of your gaming website?

2.    How many man-hours per week are spent on servicing the website and its

3.    How many megabytes does this site take up on its host?

4.    Is it run on more than one host? If yes, how many?

5.    What data transfer requirements does your website have? Does your
present host meet them?

6.    How many hits does your site get on an average day?

7.    Do you consider your site a business?

8.    Does your site generate revenue? If yes, from what source (i.e. banner
ads, user fees, donations, etc.)?

Thank you for taking a moment and filling out this survey.

Peter Offenwanger

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