Re: To: Website Admin.

Subject: Re: To: Website Admin.
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 13:22:31 EET

On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Offenwangers wrote:

> 1.    How many man-hours went into the development of your gaming website?

Impossible to say, as we didn't really build it from scratch to full
featured site in an one big effort, instead it was built within many
hours, piece by piece. It would take one day or so to do this kind of web
site if you would have all the files you need and know what you're trying
to do, but otherwise you could calculate the time spend on maintaining the
web site within two years and that is 208 hours (2 hours in a week) in
total. That might be a good approximation.

> 2.    How many man-hours per week are spent on servicing the website and its
> users?

One or two, on average. Sometimes more, sometimes not at all.

> 3.    How many megabytes does this site take up on its host?

178M, not including the files under developers home directories or their
open directories on the FTP site. 

> 4.    Is it run on more than one host? If yes, how many?


> 5.    What data transfer requirements does your website have? Does your
> present host meet them?

We have no trouble with data transfer limitations, as the site is still
generally low traffic.

> 6.    How many hits does your site get on an average day?

10152 hits per day was the last week's average.

> 7.    Do you consider your site a business?


> 8.    Does your site generate revenue? If yes, from what source (i.e. banner
> ads, user fees, donations, etc.)?


Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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