Re: A Digital Artist's Query

Subject: Re: A Digital Artist's Query
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 13:42:51 EET

On Sun, 9 Jan 2000, Isaiah Kraus wrote:

> What are the average polygon counts you are looking to set on individual
> character figures, both PC and NPC? 

We try to keep them very low, at 100-200 preferably. Can be more,
depending on the model, of course.

> I noticed you used edge-transparent 2D image maps for trees in your
> screenshot renders, and wondered if this was how you were planning to
> represent trees (or anything else, i.e. rocks, inventory items, fences,
> etc.) in the final version? 

No, it is just a temporary kludge. We would like to use something like the
trees in the Heavy Gear 2 - game.

> I ask because I take special interest in creating 3D models of plants,
> trees, rocks, flowers, leaves, and other natural ephemera.  

We already have one "flower man", but considering the amount of data we
need and the limited amount of time a volunteer can contribute, yes, we
would like you to join the team and share your experience.

> Any specific information on your current artistic needs, or what
> features your 3D engine supports (or will support), 

3DS is the preferred format, but all the formats that we can read or
convert to 3DS, DXF, WRL, AC or similar format are acceptable. You could
try to do a new and better tree for use in the current Majik 3D client
and upload it to . A textured 3D tree in
which you can use transparency to lessen the amount of polygons needed.
When uploading the model, it would be nice to have .gif, .jpg or .png of
it, so the users could see it more easily without needing to load their
3D modeling software.

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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