A Digital Artist's Query

Subject: A Digital Artist's Query
From: Isaiah Kraus (kraus.35@osu.edu)
Date: Sun Jan 09 2000 - 22:30:47 EET

I am experienced in many 2D/3D authoring applications, I have some free
time, and would like to help, but I have a few questions.  What are the
average polygon counts you are looking to set on individual character
figures, both PC and NPC? I noticed you used edge-transparent 2D image
maps for trees in your screenshot renders, and wondered if this was how
you were planning to represent trees (or anything else, i.e. rocks,
inventory items, fences, etc.) in the final version? I ask because I
take special interest in creating 3D models of plants, trees, rocks,
flowers, leaves, and other natural ephemera.  Any specific information
on your current artistic needs, or what features your 3D engine supports
(or will support), would be helpful, and I know these questions may be
too specific for you at this point, but I didn't want to offer stuff you
couldn't possibly use, or don't need more of, or didn't want in the
first place.

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