RE: [Fwd: Possible bug/misconfiguration and a question]

Subject: RE: [Fwd: Possible bug/misconfiguration and a question]
From: Otso Makinen (
Date: Fri Jan 07 2000 - 13:40:31 EET

> I sent the following a couple of days ago, but didn't receive a
> response. If the response was sent to one of the majik mailing lists,
> will you please forward it to me, since I'm not currently
> subscribed to
> any of them, except for -announce (and wasn't subscribed to THAT one
> until last night).
> TIA, Finwaite

Sorry, we've been quite busy.

> -------- Original Message --------
> Last night, I downloaded the file majik-0.4.0pre.tar.bz2 and compiled
> the source contained therein. It appeared to compile and link
> just fine;
> however, when I ran it, all I received was a black window
> with a set of
> rapidly changing numbers (lower left-hand corner). I tried using the
> movement keys (with the NUM lock on AND off, just to be sure), but
> nothing happened. The menus appeared to work (I was able to
> use them to
> exit), but I saw nothing else.
> I am using Mesa 3.1 and plib 1.0.20. The demos that came with Mesa
> appear to work.
> I am using the majikrc that was in the src directory when I
> untarred it.
> Is this a problem in Majik? Or is it something wrong with my setup? Or
> do you need more information to help?

We've had some problems with our server which prevent the clients from

> My question: Are you still in need of a documentation/webpage
> proofreader for the project? If so, I'd like to volunteer for
> the task.
> My time right now is limited, but I'm sure I could be of
> assistance. At
> some time, I might even be able to assist in writing documentation in
> addition to proofreading. Please let me know.

Great! You can start by proofreading the web pages, mail the fixes to

Otso Mäkinen / Majik 3D Project

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