Re: ..where the kids have seen things they should have never seen..

Subject: Re: ..where the kids have seen things they should have never seen..
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Tue Jun 08 1999 - 09:52:46 EEST

McDuff wrote:
> Enclosed in the file are three cursor.pngs.  I tried to be as
> creative as possible, so there is a bit of variation on the "arrow" theme.
> I figured that anyone could come up with cewl arrows, but only by trying out
> new ideas can we hit new creative barriers.

They were good. I'll add them to the client when few problems are resolved
with new cursor code we are using.

> Also, two 128x128 textures, grass & sandstone, in png format.

And those beat my test textures 10-0 :) I'll add them to the client right
now and do a new screenshot.

> I have also included a first draft of the Frontend.  I have to say that the
> little ASCII sketch was a little vague, but I have done what I can.

It looks nice but I still it would be nicer to be able to see the full
display and those menus and stuff would be translucent and removeable. It is
waste of CPU to add such huge borders around the 3D scene. My idea is like
this. When you start the game you see all the translucent stuff, menus and
everything. Then there is button to hide particular menu or something. Have
you played X-Wing Alliance? I have. It sucks, but it has the same system.
All the HUD boxes in the flight screen are translucent and you can remove one
or all of them very easily, when you want to see more graphics and less
stupid boxes as those. To emphasize the point those menus should not go to
the edge of screen, they should leave 5 pixels from all the corners to the
edge. Well, that is only my idea and just a thought.

> I figure that, for the movement screen the view will zoom out a bit and a
> map will be visible, the inventory screen is shown, the combat screen will
> have stats, tactics, health views, who's on who's side etc etc.

The combat screen is not possible since there is no any particular "combat
mode". All is real time. When you hit someone no combat mode comes up. It
continues as it was before, except that if the one you hit was an NPC it
will flee away or start killing and following up and actually same for the
PCs if they are not idling. So there is need to be a button to see health
and such views.

> Tell me what you think, and let me know what other textures you need.

I'll compose a list about the textures.

> Also, I've been thinking, and given that I love playing Dwarfs and they
> haven't been created yet, I could write up the Dwarf section of the
> worldbook.  Obviously, I'll have to liase with the people doing the other
> characters to resolve the species relationships, particularly elves &
> trolls, but I think that I could pull in some new and creative ideas for the
> dwarven species.  If you'd prefer the old majik designers to do the
> important species, that's peachy, I'll stick to graphics.

Yorkaturr (the coder) had taken the dwarves as his own race since the
beginning of Majik, but he seems to be just too busy with rl and everything,
so I don't really trust he could get them ready before M2. In my opinition
you could do the dwarves but first ask Yorkaturr about what kind of dwarves
he want to see in the Majik. He have also done some work towards the
dwarven language, he can even speak it a little. Yorkaturr's e-mail is, fear him, he is an evil god.

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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