Re: ..where the kids have seen things they should have never seen..

Subject: Re: ..where the kids have seen things they should have never seen..
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Wed Jun 09 1999 - 10:08:07 EEST

McDuff wrote:
> Tell me what you think, and let me know what other textures you need.

GRR! I wrote you a long mail and just when I was about to hit the send
button the whole monster crashed and didn't save the message! GRR!

Now, shortly: I have included terrain_types.txt to this message. It lists
the terrain types in our map and you have to draw textures for them. You
don't need to draw one texture for each terrain type, just do for example
one sand texture you can then use with desert, beach and shore terrain
types. Same for every else. Use your judgement. You don't need to worry
about deepness (deep forest vs. normal forest), their differences are made
by other things. Just one texture for both deep jungle and jungle.

If there is terrains you don't figure out how to draw texture for, volcano
for examples - don't draw it then ;)

In future we are going to need different tile sets for each season. In
winter it would be nice to see grassland not green, not brown but white!

> Also, I've been thinking, and given that I love playing Dwarfs and they
> haven't been created yet, I could write up the Dwarf section of the
> worldbook.  Obviously, I'll have to liase with the people doing the other
> characters to resolve the species relationships, particularly elves &
> trolls, but I think that I could pull in some new and creative ideas for the
> dwarven species.  If you'd prefer the old majik designers to do the
> important species, that's peachy, I'll stick to graphics.

Yorkaturr said he will do them _now_. Thanks for urging him on.

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project
TERRAIN                TEXTURE
glacier                -
tundra                 -
prairie                -
hill                   -
mountain               -
high mountain          -
plain                  -
grassland              -
moor                   -
savannah               -
lowland                -
highland               -
valley                 -
oasis                  -
waterfall              -
badland                -
desert                 -
beach                  -
lava                   -
volcano                -
swamp                  -
deciduous forest       -
deep deciduous forest  -
coniferous forest      -
deep coniferous forest -
jungle                 -
deep jungle            -
river                  -
deep river             -
lake                   -
sea                    -
shore                  -
unknown                -

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