Re: running a majik world?

Subject: Re: running a majik world?
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Wed Nov 10 1999 - 11:21:04 EET

On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Lalo Martins wrote:

> Of course WorldForge is what I need, but their pages imply it's
> too far from playable for my needs. Majik already has most
> important features (in the server, I mean).

As said in the status.html, the server we speak of there is still 
"designed for a 2d environment" and in fact, that means the server is
Majik 4's server. It would have been easy to convert it all to Majik 3D
until we decided that we will not use LPC language for it and thus, it
will need some more work. We really should update the text there, it's
giving a bit false picture of our real status.

Thus, for you, the WorldForge project seems more a viable choice, except 
that it doesn't really have any 3D client yet and I'm quite sceptical 
about if it will it never have. How can one represent a 2D world in 3D 
without missing any freedom?

> How would you feel about that? IMVHO, having some other server
> with a different world and setup running somewhere could give
> you some interesting debug cases.

I think I'm the most OSS friedly in our team, I would give you the source
right away and allow you to have your server, but the others don't, and
besides, there are some real facts about why we shouldn't do that. For
instance, it wouldn't be not fun if the players could read the game
world's source code and learn all the secrets and secondly, if it would be
free it would lead to fragmentation -- we would have more than one game
world. We prefer to have all those players on a single server.

However, as the server will be divided to to parts, the "driver" and the
"game library" (lib), we really might publish the source code for the
driver and only hide the game library. It is easy to make the driver so
general purpose it would fit to serve any multiuser environment.

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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