
Subject: Free?
From: Karim Rizkallah (
Date: Mon Sep 13 1999 - 00:21:26 EEST

	I was just trying to grasp the fact that this game is free.  I
almost feel I have to give you guys money for what seems to be such an
amazing idea (soon to be completed game, I hope).  Why aren't you asking for
money?  If it is as good as you make it seem, you could ask for a small
amount of money, maybe partially to filter out the people that will just be
plain annoying, just because they can (and it doesn't cost them anything),
and also, to make money.

	I'm not saying overprice the sucker to scare away half of the
players, but I I would be more than willing to pay a small amount (maybe
5$/month, or 20$ for a year, or something...) if I see that it is a quality
game.  Is it a matter of financial laws and crap like that?  Too complicated
to do all of that?  Anyway, I was just wondering...  It just seems a bit odd
to work so hard, and not charge anything, which would be a bit of extra
effort and a lot of extra money.

	My only concern, like I stated earlier, is the people that can join
the game, and bug the crap out of actual players.  If these people had to
pay, than they wouldn't.  At least, most wouldn't.

Thank you for your time, 
			Karim Rizkallah

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