
Subject: typocheck
From: Tommi Leino (namhas@majik.netti.fi)
Date: Fri Sep 10 1999 - 00:22:01 EEST

Someone could typocheck this:

"The Majik Development Team releases its predecessors source code
publically  available under GNU Public License, hoping that our previous
work would be still useful for game developers meddling with MUD
development, roguelike or otherwise 2D games. The released source code
might also provide a base to build a whole new game. See our
http://majik.netti.fi/history.html for more information about these old
versions. You can get the tarballs from ftp://majik.netti.fi/majik3 and
ftp://majik.netti.fi/majik4, unfortunately the source code for their
predecessors (Majik 1 and 2) is completely lost."

Thank you.

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project
namhas@majik.netti.fi http://majik.netti.fi

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