RE: Socket/protocol/packet/etc ramblings

Subject: RE: Socket/protocol/packet/etc ramblings
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Sun Sep 05 1999 - 23:27:53 EEST

On Sun, 5 Sep 1999, Jari P Saukkonen wrote:

> Yes, UDP is absolutely necessary.

Yes, if we do not implement the moving fully using the mouse, in a way of
Baldur's Gate and other 2D games usually do. You just would have to click
at the position you want to travel, ... it would work, for long distances
and turning around, but for small distances it would a bit horrible to
use, until the display is viewed in an isometric angle or otherwise 3rd
person. In such a system we could use TCP, just only one packet between
move, no matter distance.

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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