
Subject: Textures
From: McDuff (kenroberts@totalise.co.uk)
Date: Wed Dec 01 1999 - 17:46:32 EET

>Sorry i thought i said what they where they are textures for pc like faces,
>hands, arms, skin, etc.
>Clothes, Armor.

These are for the elves, yeah?  Or is it some other race, or all of them.
It might help me if I had a quick model to work to.  I'll start looking
through the elf descs for skin and things.  Are we having face "graphics"
for the characters, or texture mapped features?  In fact, while I'm
thinking, how are we mapping the characters?  Are we talking a "skin" which
gets wrapped around them, and then clothes and things are fitted onto the
character's model with their own textures, etc etc?  Or is it something
different, with changing skins.

We could use photographs for the faces.  We'd have to either use a lot, or
create a "photofit" system that randomised features though.

This is the thing  -  I can just go ahead and design skin textures and
stuff, but I need some idea of how they'll be used on the models so I can at
least pretend that they're right.

In terms of the Sages and stuff, is the thingy on Eleril's website actually
"the way it's decided" in terms of all the sages.  I got some stuff put
together before I went awol which I'm going to have to completely re-write
if it is.  And that would be a bastard!

Cheers me old marrows


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