Subject: Re: "small" problems with Sinister's proposal
From: Kaoru Shalamberidze (
Date: Wed Dec 01 1999 - 13:58:02 EET
On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, joshua 'hook' corning wrote: > Well i would like someone, preferably Yorka or mandor, to take a serious > look at my "Answer!!!?" proposal and give me reasons why it has been > ignored. I might be not seeing why it conflicts with older designs. Didnt we reply that already? > 1. The cataclysm should be quick at least in the eyes of the mortals. In > other words not more then 10 years. Although the causes of the cataclysm > chould have been brewing in the back ground for some time but this > should be outside of most mortal societies and knowledge up until the > end. Yes, i agree the actual cataclysmic events should go past fast. Thou the work behind all that can lead back centuries. > 2. It should not involve mortals giving up their religions and cultures > as was proposed in Mandor's original "Cataclysm decided" mail. This > would make all the old region and race descs useless. I thought the > point of the cataclysm was as a compromise so that we can keep history > intact. If the mortals give up their history and gods then what was the > point. They didnt give it all up, they were forced to work under other dictatorship, just like natzi germany > 3. It should be specific to societies and mortals of the PC races. I > don't see why the goblins should be effected by this. Unless of course > they were used as cannon fodder. But as a whole they and other monsters > should not be effected. This also goes for natural areas. We need > resources and monsters after the cataclysm. I think the monster races have get their share aswell. .m
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