Re: "small" problems with Sinister's proposal

Subject: Re: "small" problems with Sinister's proposal
From: joshua 'hook' corning (
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 02:33:41 EET

Kaoru Shalamberidze wrote:

I would first like to thank and give Mandor duely earned honors for
taking the edge off this debate. We have been at each others throats
since the beginning and with Mandor's last e-mail he has stood up and
cooled the snips at each others ideas. I would also like to apologize
for calling his ideas crap. It was unnesasary and juvenile of me.

> > I really
> > hope that Mandor can come up with some clever,
> Feel free to help :) but try to do it in harmony with previuous designs,
> if there are conflicts then explain why this new thing (what ever it is)
> is better, and how old things should be changed.

Well i would like someone, preferably Yorka or mandor, to take a serious
look at my "Answer!!!?" proposal and give me reasons why it has been
ignored. I might be not seeing why it conflicts with older designs. 

> The version me and Yorka worked out with Mirithil wasnt it? had atleast
> these points :
> 1. the cataclysm was a result from mortals destroying themselfs
> 2. the events HAVE TO include gods, specially new gods, since at the
>    moment they smell trouble and see destruction coming they start to
>    cover up their asses and they start to fight for their own
>    survivial. Since New gods created humanity and are dependent on
>    it, atleast to some degree.
> 3. If the new gods are involved, then are the elders aswell, that is
>    if we want a cataclysm to happen :) Because if the elders do nothing
>    then new gods simply wipe out the wizards trying to destroy things.
> 4. There was a massive unbalance between new gods, lesser gods, demigods
>    etc.. Even few of them died in the wars/chaos/what ever
> 5. The end result has to include some sort of amnesia effect to deal
>    with players not remembering a thing.
> Okay then ideas from you, that we seem to agree on :
> 1. horsemen have to be included, its a good idea.
> 2. there was more than 1 group of wizards, perhaps more than 2
> 3. (this is actually part of our idea aswell but):
>    the cataclysm should include demons, holy spirits, other monsters
>    etc.. As i said in some of my cataclysm post "all the evil creatures in
>    the world came out of hiding because gods decided to do nothing" :)
> Yep.. lets work on these?

If we are making a wish list to what should be and not be included in
the cataclysm i would like to add my own. I have others but they seem to
be covered with what mandor mentioned above.

1. The cataclysm should be quick at least in the eyes of the mortals. In
other words not more then 10 years. Although the causes of the cataclysm
chould have been brewing in the back ground for some time but this
should be outside of most mortal societies and knowledge up until the

2. It should not involve mortals giving up their religions and cultures
as was proposed in Mandor's original "Cataclysm decided" mail. This
would make all the old region and race descs useless. I thought the
point of the cataclysm was as a compromise so that we can keep history
intact. If the mortals give up their history and gods then what was the

	-2.1 One idea could be that they where magically charmed to fight or go
mad thus destroying their civilizations. Of course we could always use
my "Answer!!!?" proposal for this (Insert hooks cataclysm idea here :) 

3. It should be specific to societies and mortals of the PC races. I
don't see why the goblins should be effected by this. Unless of course
they were used as cannon fodder. But as a whole they and other monsters
should not be effected. This also goes for natural areas. We need
resources and monsters after the cataclysm.

4. The map needs to be able to be adjusted after Bethel completes it. If
the pre cataclysm map shows a city that i put in after the map is made
then the post cataclysm map shows no destruction of it it needs to be
changed. Of course This city simply could have been deserted or the
inhabitance simply killed off by a disease or magic effect without
harming the actual city.

Please implement these in any design you make for the cataclysm. They
are important to any future designs and for the ones already made. I
feel like I'm in limbo and unable to get anything done while this
remains unresolved. I can't make descs if in the future they will be
cast away because of the cataclysm.

Joshua 'hook' Corning

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