The secret of the cataclysm...

Subject: The secret of the cataclysm...
From: Sinister Serpent (
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 17:31:28 EET

Ari Miettinen wrote:
> About Cataclysm, mortal point of view:

> Ie: Mortals don't know what happened. There are lots of rumours
> and that's it. Even the immortals / sages and maybe even the gods
> can have varying information about the Cataclysm. All the cataclysm
> stories can be rumours which the people may hear while they travel
> around the world. Only the select few (whoever they are/were)
> truly know what happened.

Good point, good ideas. Now to just select who knows and who knows not.
The less people to know the truth, the more interesting idea.
Do gods know and those who do not know, why so?
  |           ~ Sinister / Serpent of Nightside ~           |
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