Re: Sages?

Subject: Re: Sages?
From: Sinister Serpent (
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 12:35:36 EET

Kaoru Shalamberidze wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Nov 1999, Janne Räsänen wrote:
> >> People have spoken about sages in their posts, could anyone tell me
> >what do you mean by sages? Will a Sage be some
> >know-everything-about-everything sage or just some old man who happened
> >to survive through cataclysm and seem to remember more than others?
> Sages are game designers, like you. They belong to a 'race' or a group of
> creatures called "the ancients"
> Some of the sages are younger than others, while a group of them has been
> created by elder/new gods, some of them have been created by lesser and
> younger gods. the age between sages can vary in thousands of years.
> But nearly all sages are still older than mankind itself, they are the
> ancients after all. They are evidently immortal.

Hm.. I thought sages would be somewhat different but if this is what is
decided, I have no comments on this.
Is there are file about sages and their abilities etc.? Are they all
I think the original idea for sages is quite much different from this
but if this is what is already decided for sages, that is ok with me.

Again, I am facing the problem with getting informed, or rather, not
getting informed.
What is decided, and when and by whom is not clear to me. Who makes the
decisions and who does not? People just mail on the list and say "hey,
this is already decided" even though nobody was informed before about
this and that. Ok, I admit that I have not always read all the mails
since, as you probably remember, I was going to resign from Majik, but
still, I do not get enough information about the decisions made, so I
would really appreciate some GOOD system for informing and deciding
things. If voting is not a good system, maybe something else is, but the
system we now have do not work very well, since if I do not even know
who is the main responsible for decisions how in the hell I can know for
sure whose "decisions" are real and which "decisions" are just "ideas"
and only namely "decisions"? Got my point or was this mail too messed

A short example to make this a bit clearer.

There is an event which some of the people want to be included in the
People A comes up with an idea.

A: - I want an event called 'Assault of Blurghons' to be written in the
history just after the Cataclysm.

B opposes the idea:

B: No, we do not want the assault to happen at all.

C says yes, but in one condition:

C: Assault can be done IF all Blurghons get killed in the assault and
they do not affect the region of Lurgund.

D thinks that A's idea is good and agress:

D: A, that is a good idea, I am with you.

E agrees with D and people have a conversation about the assault even
and it seems that only B is opposing the idea. People decide that the
assault event gets done, but they talk about how it should be done and
should C's idea be thought and so on.
Eventually, they decide to do A's event with changes X, Y and Z, which
were discussed on the MAILING-LIST and everybody on the list knows what
is being decided. So, when the whole event is decided, A (or Hook in his
update, if A != Hook) writes a mail about the event idea and the
decisions made about it.

A wrote:

1) Assault of Blurghons is decided to take place just after the
2) A decision is made that all Blurghons but one got killed in the
assault and people of Lurgund are safe from the assault.
3) Some minor changes (listed below) made for the region of Duk-duk
because of the assault etc.

And so the decision about the event and places get done and everyone
gets informed and have a chance to participate in the discussion about
the event.

Is this a good/bad idea or what?
  |           ~ Sinister / Serpent of Nightside ~           |
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