Re: The truth behind the Cataclysm, pt. I

Subject: Re: The truth behind the Cataclysm, pt. I
From: Kaoru Shalamberidze (
Date: Mon Nov 29 1999 - 17:07:00 EET

On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Atte Koivula wrote:

> Actually this post in no way contradicts our current system, it only
> makes it more accurate. Now we have names for the wizards and a general
> idea of how things really happened. Great work. I'd like to utilize
> this. Objections?

The post contradicts our system in just about every single point :) aside
from it being a nice story.

To begin with :

There is no such thing as "spells". There is different acts of altering
reality, but they are hardly any one spell, the same "fireball" effect
forexample can be created in perhaps a hundred different way. Magic and
"spells" are simply knowledge and skill of how to change reality.

Second. There is no such thing as mana, never has been and never will be.
Mana does not exist and there is absolutely no need for such thing either.
The only "mana" if it can be called so is the wizards own personal
endurance and stability of spyche. how long he can concentrate or strain

3rd. A real form of namhas or any elder god cannot at any point exist in
the creation. Elder gods are ALWAYS using avatars. This is the fundamental
point by which the elders won the war between gods, and it was their best
ace in the sleeve.

... Reality in the world of majik is so because most the people believe it
to be so. And most of the gods want to maintain it as so. Its only a mere
illusion, because the patterns that each releate to each other form the
whole picture. If you change enough pixels in a huge resolution picture,
it will eventually change. Wizard is mislead concept, he is only a person
that knows moderately how to influence the patterns that form reality,
spells i explained earlier. There is no mana because it requires almost
nothing to take a pencil and paper and draw lines on it, it requires
SOMETHING thou, but its almost nothing and can hardly be called mana. 

Also the idea that there was 2 sides battling against each other, how ever
a little bit nice, turns out to be crappy in the end. The story could be
way more interesting than that. Now it is in a very american IQ 80 way
very black-n-white story with 2 sides, good and bad having a fight, now
where have i seen that before? how fucking boring is that :) surely we can
make majik different and stear it aside from hollywood-alike bullshit.
Better ideas would be many powerful individuals, many sides, no good or
evil, no lame angels or demons. And besides if event would flow as
Sinister described the new gods would have their hands on thing right
away, they are as close sighted as regular people tend to be. 


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