Re: where the kids have seen things that we ain't never seen

Subject: Re: where the kids have seen things that we ain't never seen
From: Lari Kuitunen (
Date: Mon Jul 05 1999 - 03:44:02 EEST

> Sounds good for me, teamwork is anyways better way to work than
> alone. I'll start kicking Mandor's but about those elves, maybe he will
> eventually slip information about locations where they live :). I think
> Jormap mentioned something about trolls living in far north? I think
> it would be also quite useful to have locations of special monster ra
> ces (those pixies and Brates are both monster race btw). Where
> are Necrolytes living, Malekith?
Necrolytes would be living somewhere in a high mountain, near the top.
they'd have carved the top full of tunnels and halls, and probably built 
high towers to reach  the heavens in pursuit of the eternal quest, the top
notch of the evolution, the highest of the high, ability to soar the

or something :) anyway, a high mountain would suffice, probably far 
away from anything.
- malekith

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