Re: Eleril's 3d golem

Subject: Re: Eleril's 3d golem
From: McDuff (
Date: Fri Nov 26 1999 - 19:34:26 EET

>thanks for looking at them :)
>I used mcduffs rock textures on them.
>Mcduff could you add the iron effect to rock5 and make a new texture

Yes, I could.  Is "rock5.jpg" really the best one to use here?  If they are
cement, surely one of the greyer rocks would be better, or I could make a
fairly uniform texture.

If you want them rendered a bit better, better than truespace anyway, if you
can port them to 3ds for me I'll render them out in 3D Studio for you. I
think that the truespace renderer is a bit sucky, but then I would, wouldn't


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