Re: Cataclysm decided!

Subject: Re: Cataclysm decided!
From: Kaoru Shalamberidze (
Date: Thu Nov 25 1999 - 16:54:15 EET

On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, Sinister Serpent wrote:

> What the hell can I show to a blind man?
> How in the hell I prove to a religious fanatic that his god does not
> exist?
> If you want to see my ideas the way you see it (which is obviously
> wrong), I can not help you.
> Read my post again and think what I wrote. If it still does not make
> sense to you, just ignore it.

As a designer of majiks history and nature of magic im hardly blind.
This cant be much misunderstood :

> > > differs a lot from this. Mortals caused the cataclysm WITHOUT divine
> These wizards who caused the cataclysm in the fist place were so
> powerful that even lesser gods could not stop them - or then they were
> not allowed by the gods and greater gods. How this is possible, you ask.
> Well, like I said, they were _powerful_ wizards with such skill at true
> magic that they were able to fool the gods and stop them from
> interrupting them. Then they basically (accidentally) unleashed the true
> magic upon the world which caused the Cataclysm.

So previously you said with CAPS that it was without divine intervention
and now you say there was such a thing after all. Well anyways this is not
my argument here. That great degree in the workings of magic is quite
impossible for any mortal to gain, this has been decided earlier that only
the ones built reality can really know perfectly how it works. Giver ANY
level of greatness in "true magic" is inferior to any of the elder gods.
If the world is otherwise doing fine, but there is a bunch of wimpy
wizards that are destroying it, why the hell wont Dazzt kill them in a
blink of an eye. Nothing in the creation can stop Dazzt, execpt other
elder gods. That is behind our agreed version of things also. 

Also such a thing as releasing true magic to world and causing destruction
is quite impossible because of the nature of magic. Magic is only an
illusion there is no real magic, there is only manipulation of patterns
that form reality. And this reality and these patterns are constantly
maitained and kept intact by the gods, releasing a devastating power upon
the world would only have INSTANT counter-effect to nullify all that it
would do. Like a reflex, stick a hot iron into your ass all of a sudden
and you will move more than 1 millimeter as a reflex. This would be the
same exact effect, gods who maintain and uphold reality would see a hot
iron coming and instantly as a reflex would nullify all that it would do.
These kind of things CAN NOT happen without the blessing of those who made
reality. And in our agreed version its just that what happened.
Elder gods can kill any being in existence by simply removing him from the
creation, any powerful wizards are but maggots, they dont have what it
takes to destroy the world if they have to fight against the gods. 

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