Subject: milestone plan proposal
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Mon May 31 1999 - 09:45:48 EEST
Whine about this and (designers only, for devs these are already quite selected ;>) then select the tasks you would like to participate and tell the design about it. We should follow this quite strictly, so do not do anything else big-projects until we have all the tasks done we need for the milestone advancement. So do not say "I'm busy with economy system and can't do anything else", because that is not something you should do now. Only those that are in the current milestone's TODO. If you can't take any project from this, then don't take but at least say it. I will try to assign new designers then to do the tasks that anyone isn't taking or if nothing else works, the task is moved to the next milestone. This milestone plan is quite a KIUKKU, but if we want to see something someday, we _CAN_ follow this if we want. -- Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project Milestone Deadline Features M1 01-07-1999 CLIENT: - code made ready for open source - initial object system using a real object-class instead of series of kludges - dummy player object - initial movement system using which the user can move the dummy player object, see from its eyes or from semi-isometric perspective. Movement system should look for collisions and follow the landscape - must be able compile for both Win32 and Linux, without needing any additional libraries that we used only because of a kludge - solid installation base, the client should move all images etc. to directory where they belong and the format for data etc. files should be decided - rc-file parsing system - scripts for building automatic daily snapshots of both cvs source code and pre-compiled binaries - png-loader DESIGN: - these chapters must be made ready from WorldBook: + The Planet and the Continents within + The Regions of Majik in short + Languages in the World + World of names + Myth of Creation + The Gods (all described) + Climate + Flora + Structure of the World + Life and Death M2 01-08-1999 CLIENT: - initial multiplayer system including of course socket and protocol class made ready and protocol to be decided - support for the all level of detail levels, including wireframe - 3ds-loader SERVER: - first version supporting initial multiplayer system that allows two or more people using their player objects to collide with each other and talk DESIGN: - these chapters must be made ready from WorldBook: + Currency and Trade + Theory of Magic and Spellcasting + Myth of Creation + Priests + Races roaming the World (all described) - initial 3ds-objects for players and trees - most necessary textures must be ready, these are for example texture for plains and road M3 01-09-1999 CLIENT: - fix all the bugs encountered so far and make the base solid - initial system for creating objects as instructed by the server SERVER: - fix all the previously encountered bugs and make the base solid - initial support for creating house-objects for the client, so we can have a hilltop's inn here too :) DESIGN: - finish and re-check all the previously assigned WorldBook tasks - advance to the next level of designing
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