Subject: Re: Between darkness and light...
From: Kim Kunnas (
Date: Sun Jul 04 1999 - 12:41:49 EEST
> Right, so the system model is, as I understand it at present, the planet of > Majik (a sphere for now to simplify things - not decided yet Aluna!!). > Around this orbits the sun with a period of 1 year (still subject to > decision), and also two moons of unknow period, one which is white and > reflective like our own moon, and one which is dark, and therefore only > noticable when it passes in front of the sun/other moon. Narcos circles majik in 34 days (i think it was majik days but can't remem ber anymore...besides, I don't remember how long majik day was in irl hours:) Afay (Kizanth) circles in 16 days - Beregar (
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