Re: Between darkness and light...

Subject: Re: Between darkness and light...
From: McDuff (
Date: Sat Jul 03 1999 - 17:36:53 EEST

>We have two moons. We had little name fight earlier but I think they are
>and Khizanth (or was it Afay?). Another is dark and another bright (eh, no
>from dlance:)

Right, so the system model is, as I understand it at present, the planet of
Majik (a sphere for now to simplify things - not decided yet Aluna!!).
Around this orbits the sun with a period of 1 year (still subject to
decision), and also two moons of unknow period, one which is white and
reflective like our own moon, and one which is dark, and therefore only
noticable when it passes in front of the sun/other moon.

I'll model this directly in 3d studio, and with any luck should have a small
avi file posted by the end of the day!


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