Re: region of focus

Subject: Re: region of focus
From: Atte Koivula (
Date: Tue Nov 23 1999 - 09:59:36 EET

> 3. Why Lamarhen? because it is a good center for all the other cultures
> and regions we have already described. The Elven islands are near by as
> well as Nin'calaris and Thasia. Torell is close enough if the Tore'e are
> as good of sailors as Beregar and I described. There is also the lands
> and peoples of Ghalimcar which if I understand Beregar correctly will
> have a dwarf settlement nearby.

Beep! Wrong, Ghalimcar will have a tribe of Brahjians. There is only one
dwarven settlement in entire Majik and it is in Gwaelmar. Lamarhen lacks
the vicinity of such races as the trolls, the Skyghaim barbarians, the
real elves of Sol'Daran and surely the orcs wouldn't venture beyond the
areas of their dreaded enemies of Althainon and Nin'Calaris?

I am still quite strongly against a single starting location so if
you'll excuse my reluctance, I simply think there SHOULD BE different
starting locations for different people due to a number of reasons.
> - Cities should be small under 500 people of course this is for
> pre-cataclysm describing. All the cities we make will have been mostly
> destroyed at the start of the game

Yes, this is clear now.
> - We need some monsters. These settlements should be sparse which is not
> hard because of the immense size of the map. Make them somewhat isolated
> in small clusters. I already have one idea for putting a few small
> settlements along the northern coast of the Niral sea that are havens
> for pirates. This way monsters can roam in between the different
> settlement clusters with impunity in the wild areas and give players a
> challenge when they go out into the wilds after the cataclysm.

Pirates are believable monsters, I am excited about this idea.

> - Little or no magic. Lets put all the magic that players will obtain
> outside of Lamarhen. The only magic in the region should be religious in
> nature. But rumors of magic abound like the magic known by the Brahjians
> or some in south western Nin'calaris and so on. This gives a good reason
> for players to leave the region

I am pro this idea but would like to correct it to "No magic inside
starting locations".
> - All the gods should be represented. Because of the mix of cultures
> found in Lamarhen there should be a good mix of the religions found
> here. Temples or at least the rubble of temples should be found here in
> abundance.

Well... Gods such as me, Mandor and Sinister really can't be represented
in any public place, our temples are very scarce in number and hidden in
nature. Surely most societies wouldn't want to watch their kinsmen
performing a perverse impurity ritual or even try to accept it? Whereas
good Gods are followed by a legion of worshippers, the evil Gods only
enjoy the devotion of a fraction of their numbers, but our worshippers
are usually strongly fanatic and hence much more useful to us.
> -Put some ruins in there. lets put some pre-cataclysm ruins in the wild
> areas. It would be fun for players to explore them even if no magic can
> be found there but maybe information can be obtained in these ruins.
> Like most of the libraries are destroyed after the cataclysm so players
> have to find even older text to replenish the lack of knowledge,
> information and history that would normally be found in the cities.

This has already been suggested and is generally considered a good idea.
/Atte "Yorkaturr" Koivula <>

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