Subject: More stat info...
From: Atte Koivula (
Date: Thu Nov 18 1999 - 19:54:48 EET
The stats of Majik are as follows: o Strength (STR) o Dexterity (DEX) o Sturdiness (STU) o Constitution (CON) o Agility (AGI) o Intelligence (INT) o Wisdom (WIS) o Willpower (POW) o Charisma (CHA) The meanings of these stats should be self-explanatory apart from sturdiness which is a disputed stat that has remained an "open issue" for the past 3 years. Anyway, what sturdiness means is the relative sturdiness of the creature, which can be thought of as the major factor behind the concepts of hitpoints, ie. the factor which determines how much physical damage a creature can take (there are hitpoints, spellpoints and endurance points). It's very different from constitution which only implies the overall shape of the creature, eg. how much strenuous excercise it is able to withstand. If we would combine CON and STU, it could lead into a number of problems. Take elves for example. They can run for days, they have great constitution, but it doesn't really imply anything about the amount of DAMAGE they can withstand as the elves are very sleek and agile as well. We could calculate sturdiness by the weight of the character but an average weight pattern should be decided upon for each creature, and even if we did so, weight can come from both bodyfat, muscle and overall size, while sturdiness mostly encapsulates the bone mass and overall broadness of the creature. _/_ /Atte "Yorkaturr" Koivula <>
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