Re: About map

Subject: Re: About map
From: joshua 'hook' corning (
Date: Fri Nov 05 1999 - 19:44:57 EET

Mikkonen Jani wrote:
> I noticed that many of you have had problems to read my map.
> Covewood Mountains are actually Touchwood Mountains :).
> I think changing this name back isn't difficult job, is it?
> And some other names:
> Eldhelomin - Edhelomin
> Dalondon - Dalondor
> Epthael - Epthel
> Mountains of Umalin - Umulin
> There is also that huge volcano Growling Maw in Tragothar
> and Eleril, your document about Touchwood
> Mountains is good, I think most of it is usable, but it
> misses one main point: Thalamon has a deal with Dardalon to
> mine minerals from Touchwood Mountains. I actually mentioned
> it in my finnish text, but it might have been forgotten.

What finnal text i have never seen or heard of a desc of any of the
above mentioned regions could someone please send me a copy

Joshua hook corning

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