Subject: About map
From: Mikkonen Jani (
Date: Fri Nov 05 1999 - 15:35:00 EET
I noticed that many of you have had problems to read my map. Covewood Mountains are actually Touchwood Mountains :). I think changing this name back isn't difficult job, is it? And some other names: Eldhelomin - Edhelomin Dalondon - Dalondor Epthael - Epthel Mountains of Umalin - Umulin There is also that huge volcano Growling Maw in Tragothar and Eleril, your document about Touchwood Mountains is good, I think most of it is usable, but it misses one main point: Thalamon has a deal with Dardalon to mine minerals from Touchwood Mountains. I actually mentioned it in my finnish text, but it might have been forgotten. I think that those points where each animal exist are too detailed and there is now need to some mining points, I will remove some "animal-spots" or maybe we should use another technique. Let's use prevalencemaps, which means that each region is divided to several areas and one area contains several species. I.e. the Tsiukadiu-Kingdom prevalencearea 1 - carnivores - boars, wolves etc. prevalencearea 2 - birds - hawks, eagles etc. And that castle that is located at the base of Touchwood mountains was actually meant to be fortress where dardalonian people could watch over that pass which leads to Thalamon. But it's okay if there is also that wizardcastle somewhere. And my design-tasks atm: Great Kingdom of Thalamon: Parcithia, Delgrain, Talaas and Tarac Borders are: west - Chain of Edhelomin, mountains around Crater Lake (lake itself doesn't belong to Thalamon), Chain of Sledgehammer south - Swamp of Pelnor east - Touchwood mountains, then Castle Eldahar and most of the Lokhmar lake (not the easternmost part of it), then bit of the groaning forest and Swordgate Castle north - Tacit forest (officially half of that forest belongs to Thalamon, half to icefolk) Dardalon (not so urgent) Drawings (the Nine Horsemen, not so urgent) ps. Beregar, we have to look Thalamon-text through, if it was translated by you. More mail coming on Monday - Brethel -
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