Re: Areon/Valiar

Subject: Re: Areon/Valiar
From: joshua 'hook' corning (
Date: Fri Nov 05 1999 - 19:55:52 EET

Kim Kunnas wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, joshua 'azlok corning wrote:
> > I am working on the regions of Djasim, Nalor Thaan, and Areon. In the
> > Nalor Thaan desc there are descriptions of Thjarr and Tulmarun. The
> > races found in these regions are as follows in Nalor Thaan - Hilosyph,
> > Bronn, Fik'Bronn in Djasim - Djasimites in Areon - Areons (or until i
> > come up with a better name)
> Do you consider Valiar as part of Areon? There's some work done for
> it (I don't remember by who) which you can probably use too.

Yes valiar is part of Areon but i have not put any human inhabitance
within Valiar. If someone has wrote about Valiar could they please post

Joshua hook corning

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