Re: Covewood Moutains Region

Subject: Re: Covewood Moutains Region
From: Jonathan Koehn (Eleril) (
Date: Tue Oct 19 1999 - 23:33:22 EEST

Thanks for the info I'll change the city/landmark and geography part
also ill get more description info.

----- Original Message -----
From: joshua 'azlok corning <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: Covewood Moutains Region

> "Jonathan Koehn (Eleril)" wrote:
> You might want to lenthen some of the entrees in this region desc. Also
> in the 1. description you should put its location (it doesn't even say
> what continent it is on). You might also want to put some of the things
> you have under the city/landmark section under geography like cove peak
> or batling mount. City/landmark section is reserved for man made type
> structures like castles or runes like stone henge kind of stuff. This is
> not to say that men had to make it gods or ancients could of but if it
> has walls or looks remotly man made put it under city/landarks if not
> put it under geography.
> Joshua 'azlok' corning
> > Heres what ive got on this region so far
> >
> >
> > 1. Description
> > 2. Climate
> > 3. Flora
> > -3.1 Trees
> > -3.2 Bushes
> > -3.3 Plants
> > -3.4 Cave Flora
> > 4. Fauna
> > -4.1 Flying
> > -4.2 Ground
> > -4.3 Water
> > 5. History
> > 6. Geography
> > 7. Cities/Landmarks
> > -7.1 Cove Castle
> > -7.2 Cove Peak
> > -7.3 Red Peak
> > -7.4 Batling Mount
> > -7.5 Cove Cliffs
> >
> > 1. Description
> > These moutains have a variety of wildlife and a few mysterious
creatures. As
> > well it said that some of the moutains have caves. There is also rumored
> > be a ancient castle here. There is a range of flora here.
> >
> > 2. Climate
> > It has a 4 year season, winter being the longest and getting quite cold
> > the high peaks. It has a coolish summer, and a short spring and fall.
> > often has snow. And spring usually has a few freezes. Fall brings a nice
> > to the maple trees.
> >
> > 3. Flora
> > 3.1 Trees
> > Giant sequioyas, redwood, Maples, Giant sequioyas are a tree that is
> > extremely large some are big enough to say ride 3 horses side by side
> > through also so may be bigger. Redwood it gets its name from its dark
> > scale like bark. Maples a tree with fairly large leaves which turn from
> > to red in the fall. Also some contain a sweet surupe.
> >
> > 3.2 Bushes
> > Brambles, raspberry bushes, Brambles a thorny like climing plant which
> > grow in to almost impenitrable walls. Raspberry bush a bush with thorns
> > is known for its delectiable fruit the raspberry.
> >
> > 3.3 Plants
> > Poppies, wildflowers, and the cove flower, Squirrel Fern, Glacial Fern,
> > Squirrel Fern is called this because of its branch leaves, that are
> > like sqirrel tailes. Glacial Fern is a beautiful fern having frosty
> > leaves all year around. Poppies a beautiful flower with bright orange
> > blossoms. Wildflowers ranging from blue to pink blossoms.
> >
> > 3.4 Cave Flora
> > Hydro fungus, liches, mushrooms, Hydro fungus is a carnivorus fungus. It
> > shoots a stinging stream of bacteria water at its prey. Then when it
> > it is able to it covers it prey with a slime like stomach also which it
> > sprays on the prey. Liches a whitish glow moss that is on the floor and
> > walls of the cave. It is a very slippery surface one can slip on. Their
is a
> > variety of mushrooms here some used in medicines and some to eat and
> > that are poisonous.
> >
> > 4. Fauna
> > 4.1 Flying
> > bats, bluejays, Bats are from fox bats to blood thirsty bats. Of which
> > different varieties live in these caves. The bluejays are found spread
> > through out the forest. They have a tendency to have a annoying voice.
> >
> > 4.2 Ground
> > bears,Dez deer, cougars, racoons, chipmunk,batlings, Cave Crawler, The
> > here are brownish black unable to clim trees but are swift and big thus
> > formitable foe. Dez deer chech out Skyghaim for more info on them.
Cougars a
> > big cat that is swift and cunning with great strength its claw being
able to
> > break a arm. Racoons a curious creature that is usually nocturnal it can
> > trapped with a shinny piece of metal in a cage. Chipmunk a small
> > like rodent with black and white stripe down its back but with brown
> > Batlings (not described yet i think)
> >
> > 4.3 Water
> > Cichtrout, crawdads, clams, moon glow fish, Cichtrout check out the
> > region for info on this. A few coldwater crawdads live here some try to
> > adventures that may enter their waters almost as if to eat them. The
> > are a delicous food for adventures that find them. But be careful with
> > for they may try latch on to your finger as if it where their own. Moon
> > fish are located in the many cave pools of this region. They glow like
> > full moon at night.
> >
> > 5. History
> > This region was once home to ancients. What is left of their settelment
> > the Castle called Cove Castle. It is a ancient castle that still maybe
> > sages, and/or ancients living there still. But this castle is well
> > by artifacts and a bramble patch. That at present time only the sages,
> > ancients and gods know how to enter safely.
> >
> > 6. Geography
> > This region is mostly moutains with some of the moutains brushed up
> > a swamp. Also some of the moutains extend into the ocean. Their is as
> > caves in these moutains.
> >
> > 7. Cities/Landmarks
> > Cove Castle is hidden in Cove peak somewhere.
> >
> > 7.1 Cove Castle
> > There is rumor of a castle hidden up in the moutains. It is as well
> > to have been built by the ancients. It is a structure of maginificent
> > But what is amazing is how it is so well hidden. It is surrounded by a
> > of brambles and thistles. Inside the wall there is a beautiful garden
> > is full of raspberry bushes. The garden and castle almost seem taken
care of
> > but you dont notice anything that looks like anyone has been here.
> >
> > 7.2 Cove Peak
> > Cove peak the center most moutain also the tallest in this region. Cove
> > Falls a rather large fall which trickles in late fall but gushes water
> > late spring its located on the east side of Cove peaks. Sequoia Forest
> > the base of Cove peak on the east side.
> >
> > 7.3 Red Peak
> > Twin falls these falls are located north east of Cove peak in the
> > called Red Peak. The Redwood forest is located around Red Peak.
> >
> > 7.4 Batling Mount
> > Batling Mount is the moutain south east of Cove Peak by few adventures
> > coming through have said of a bat like creature walking upon its hind
> > This moutain is full of cave like catacombs which house numerous bats
> > different creatures and a variety of fungus and a few cave pools which
> > a few fish.
> >
> > 7.5 Cove Cliffs
> > Cove Cliffs go out into the ocean one must be careful not to get boats
> > close to these cliffs or else ye surely be dashed upon the rocks their
> > located south east of Cove peak.
> > Where they reach out into the water they have sharp rocks and breakers
> > to combined are dangerous to any boat that gets to close.
> >
> > (Eleril)

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