Old gods, new gods, ancients, structure of reality.

Subject: Old gods, new gods, ancients, structure of reality.
From: Taneli Tikka (ttikka@icon.fi)
Date: Tue Oct 12 1999 - 15:10:40 EEST

We had a little chat today with namhas, beregar, hook and me including. We
chatted about reality structure and real events on creation. Some of these
things are also based on what was agreed on before with Yorkaturr/others

How reality is formed in the world of majik?

Just like in quantum physics playing with very small parts of the
universe.. also majik universe has these small parts, but everything is
finally build from the same thing, from the stuff that forms reality.
Lets call that thing a prime particle or PP in this mail. these prime
particles form patterns, and petterns form things and whole systems.
Patterns like time, matter, energy, mind, spirit, space, everything are
constructed from prime particles.Like a mind of a person forexample.. its
a complex thing of creation.. formed from a complex pattern - that is a
vast group of PPs creating the pattern of mind. These PPs are the same
thing as the essence of magic or magical-essence, building blocks of
reality. Just like everything inside a computer is made of 1s and 0s
binary logic, boolean algebra. bits 1s and 0s form bytes, bytes form
letters, letters form functions, functions form objects, objects from
programs etc.. Majik universe is constructed the same way, the smallest
building block is this prime particle, or magical-essence.. that creates
patterns of life, time, matter, energy, space, mind, spirit.. etc.. that
together form wholes. 

When you cast a spell, when you do magic - you really manipulate or
control the prime particles creating the whole reality. Thou only rare
mages are able to work in this meta-physical level manipulating SINGLE PPs
instead of that the manipulation of patterns (that are constructed from
PPs) is much more usual. Like a mind spell that read a persons mind:
basicly what it does is that it opens the targets pattern of mind for the
caster to see, or connects the casters mind to the targets (where he is
then able to read memories etc).. Do note that not only magic is
constructed this way but _EVERYTHING_ within the creation (world of majik)
is. Psionic powers and spell-like abilities, anything, follow the same
basic rules. They just do the manipulation of energy feed in various
different ways. 

The real events of the creation :

First there was Namhas in the void. Perpahs only he knows were there any
others, was he the only one, or where he came from.

From namhas came aluna and sinister. A being of light and other of
darkness. And Dalia a being of twilight.

From Aluna came Dazzt the eldest of gods (not greater gods)

From Dalia and Sinister came Mandor, Yorkaturr and Harum
three sons of evil.

Dalia the being of twilight started to slip towards the darkness of
sinister, so Aluna the being of light destroyed Dalia.

Now there were only Namhas the father, light and darkness, aluna and
sinister - and their progrency of 4 gods.

This all did not happen in a short time, but instead took nameless amounts
of time in the void. 

The gods stayed in the void, in the realms unknown, the realms beoynd.
They experimented - created servants - remained in solitude
there were times when then interacted with each other and times they had
not seens others for eons. 

After a long time, after times forgotten, Namhas decided that it was time
for something larger, time to start the creation. 
Gods destroyed or abandoned their old affairs.

Namhas summoder Sinister and Aluna to aid him in the creation, to help
ease his burned, that drained his power. Along with light and dark, came
their children - the 4 gods.

Gods invented the prime particle, the magical-essence from which to
construct this new universe from. And so they did, they build anything
from the myriad particles and gave life to this reality.

For a while the creation was dead, no living soul but the gods walked on
its grounds.. 

Then Gods were content with what they had done so far and took the next
step towards finishing the creation. They created servants. Gods formed
spirits from the prime particles the same stuff everything is made of.

A long time passed, and these beings some spirits some flesh some rock
served their masters.

But times were about to change. Some spirits took the form of flesh and
abandoned their masters, for life in solitude, adventure in the creation.
Some spirits started to war - to hunt each other to feed on the
magical-essence of others to make themselfs more strong.

And so were the ancients (flesh form ex-spirits) and the new gods (spirits
who started to war and gether power) created.

Those who took the form of flesh, gathered knowledge and loved the
creation, they lived in the world with other lower beings. 

At this time plants had already been created, and some of the animal life,
they werent old and their numbers werent much but they existed. Partly
created by gods to amuse or serve them - and partly created by their
servants to whatever purposes.

Time went by - the spirits who made war grew stronger, few of them had
already escaped from the bond of their ex-masters. 
The spirits noticed that they could also gain more power not only by
draining the magical-essence of other spirtis but also from doing so to
plants and animals. Patterns of life, spirit and mind were specially

New spirits got very powerhungry - they wanted to rise to the level of
their masters. Few brave ones turned against elder gods first but their
failure was utter and total. They needed more power. So the new gods
created the species of man. Supported their growth

.... EEK im at work and my bus goes soonigh, ill continue this message
from home.. :)

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