Subject: Re: Ancients
From: Taneli Tikka (
Date: Sun Oct 10 1999 - 14:05:40 EEST
On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Beregar wrote: > You mean will sages be a npc race? Might be, but there should be sages could be from npc races, of course. Same as sages can be dragons, or what ever legendary beasts. > some other dimension ;) or maybe they were destroyed in the "God > wars". Perhaps we could use all of those. I mean, for example moon > elves sound very much like these Ancients and they reside in another > dimension... Hmm.. moon elves are atleast the oldest elven race.. ancients? perhaps. > It also remains question for me what was the original purpose of plants > and animals and the world itself? Is it place where the Gods made their > expiriments? It is obvious that the "species of man" were created > because the Elder Gods feared they would lose their fight with the new > Gods, but did the Elder Gods have also earlier intent to create them or > were they create only because otherwise the Elder Gods would have > lost battle wihtout them? > > I guess that when these "species of man" started to die and their spirits > were absorbed to the New Gods, these started to became more wise > and intelligent. Probably in this stage most of the Ancients were already > destroyed and only most powerful New Gods and ancient races were > left. Still remaining ancients (races) might have returned to their spirit > form and eventually achieve status of a lesser God (Protector, Darshan > etc) and those who were spirits remained as the New Gods (Shinael, > Ocean god etc?). hummm.. elder god loosing the battle.. i dont think so =P.. namhas, aluna, and sinister alone have pretty much power, and combined with their eldest sons and daughters its surely enough to change reality as they see fit. Of course gods rarely unite. and its balance that prevails.. -m
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