Re: timeline & magic questions

Subject: Re: timeline & magic questions
From: Jonathan Koehn (
Date: Sat Oct 09 1999 - 23:46:01 EEST

----- Original Message -----
From: Jonathan Koehn <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 1999 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: timeline & magic questions

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Beregar <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, October 09, 1999 1:04 AM
> Subject: Re: timeline & magic questions
> > joshua 'hook' corning wrote:
> >
> > > You know my opinion. :)
> >
> > Yes, I know your opinion and it's not that bad. :)
> >
> >
> > > Most is religious little is sybolic. The maguc that is symbolic is
> > > inaccesable to pcs. Im am puting symbolic magic use in nalor thaan
> > > the Hilosyph use BUT only those that are at least 100 - 200 years old
> > > have access to it. The only thing players can get are mabey healed or
> > > buy magic non offencive items like glowing balls that light up rooms
> > > shit. These are also very expensive.
> >
> > Should symbolic magic exist in the culture, it should be available for
> > players too. Remember, no artificial restrictions, please! Yours is a
> > good one, but it might be so that some players end up being over
> > 100+ years old Hilosyph in which case I think it's only fair that they
> > learn magic. :)
> >
> > > no I think if a spell caster knows a spell he/she can cast it as many
> > > times as they want the limiting factors should be the time it takes to
> > > cast a spell and rarety of the spell componants. Like lets say a spell
> > > caster wants to cast a fireball type spell we he can do most of the
> > > spell but leave the last componant out so when he runs into monsters
> > > just releases it. if he wants to cast it again he must redue the
> > > spell which could take time say 1 minute to 10 minuts. That way a
> > > caster could have several spells ready but once he runs out in a fight
> > > he must go through the entire spell again. which takes time.
> >
> > Hmm, I have to somewhat disagree. In my magic suggestion spells gain
> > their power by altering the magical energy. If you remember I suggested
> > system where everything is formed from the magic - rocks, plants, living
> > beings etc. Magic in its normal form is energy and when spellcaster
> > a spell (symbolic magic user) he taps this energy from the surrounding
> > nature, from a component (or from himself?) by changing something to
> > something else.
> >
I like this idea.
> > If we will use this system. I suggest that component spellcasting is
> > fastest for it is obvious that source of power is those components.
> > Component magic would also be mostly one way magic and have
> > only lesser spells since components can't contain much "magic"
> > and therefor can't upkeep spells or act as a source of greater spells.
> >
> > If caster drains power from the nature it would be nice if there was
> > some "free magic" limit in the area. Some areas might have more
> > abundant amount of magical energy and others might lack it almost
> > completelly. Node areas would be an excellent source of free magic
> > and mages would fight to gain control over them. This also would
> > give nice purpose to my Vorack who would guard forest nodes. :)
> >
> > Spellcasting time in this case should be dependant on amount of
> > magical energy in the area.Places which have abundant amount of
> > energy (= Magic) would make spellcasting quicker and vice versa.
> > This also adds limit to continual spells which would envetually run
> > out of power. So for example if you would like to cast a eternal
> > night spell which would have huge casting cost and upkeep, you
> > would have to be in a node area. (Anyone noticed that this is quite
> > ripoff from MoM?:)
> >
> > I also suggest that nodes replenish mana in the world. The further
> > the area from nodes, the slower it replenishes energy.
> >

This adds the element of spells being quicker in some spots thus the battle
can differ some places better for mages to fight and some better for
> > Last source of spellenergy might be the caster itself. It is obvious
> > that there should be limits in here too. I think this might be faster
> > way to cast spells than previous draining system, but slower than
> > component system. Spellcaster could upkeep spells longer than
> > components but shorter time than in draining system (though that
> > is dependant on area). If spellcasters does not cancel a spell or is
> > unable to cancel it, he/she/it would envetually die.
> >

Maybe instead of die they become helpless they cant move or at least very
then they must seek a priest or someone who can return some of their body
magic(body magic could be represented as spirit or something like that). Or
they must seek a node so that it may revitalize them.

> > > no i think they should have to experiment. sometimes these spells go
> > > wrong and can actually kill the spell caster or mabey turn him or a
> > > nearby freind into a frog or something. It would be nice if misscast
> > > spells where a random event so that lets say a majician is trying to
> > > cast a fire ball but puts it in the wrong order. So he turns into a
> > > for three days. afterwards he trys the same mistaken order to escape
> > > into a lake from some orcs. well this time his cloths turn into wood
> > > he is traped in his cloths for the orcs to chop down.
> >
> > Yup, though in my system, depending on magic source, he would spend
> > either quite short time as a frog (component), probably rest of his life
> as
> > a frog (draining), die out (frog form keeps draining his personal
> > until he rips).
> >
> > > Not years we would have no spell casters out there. as to rearity yes
> > > symbolic magic should be rare as well as inaccesable to players. if a
> > > player wants magic he must go and get it from some ruin somewhere and
> > > fight off traps and monsters to get it. Or do something stupid like
> > > steeling it from a mage or he can try to learn it in libraries but the
> > > texts are either incomplete of they are juat plain wrong and
> > > also he should have to travel for these texts like part of a text is
> > > Torell navel library the other in Thome library in Nalor Thane the
> > > side of the world. and unknown to the player but the symbols coponants
> > > etc are written in a different languge that write it backwards and on
> > > and on and on. There are plenty of novel ways of keeping magic from
> > > players. Rarety, which i think it should be, is not the only way. One
> > > tried and true way for players to learn magic is for another player to
> > > teach them.
> >
> > This is exactly what I meant. Information should be available but it
> should
> > be very difficult to obtain. Also, If there are npc mages they too,
> > sometimes teach players. Who knows...

Id like if it where players or sages or gods or demigods. But that a task
might be required.
Such as finding something or bringing knowledge to them of something say a
battle or of the size of a current wolf pack he was looking after. Or of
book knowledge. Then in return he would show them how to correctly create
the spell.
> >
> > - Beregar (
> >
> >

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