Re: Dragons?

Subject: Re: Dragons?
From: Jonathan Koehn (
Date: Sun Sep 26 1999 - 21:24:49 EEST

Yea I like the Dragon idea hopefully
we can come up with uniquely different dragons if we have them.

Jonathan at ""
----- Original Message ----- 
From: joshua 'hook' corning <>
To: design-post <>
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 1999 4:36 AM
Subject: Dragons?

> Do dragons exist in majik? Are they intelligent? How rare are they? If
> they are intelligent, how often do they associate with humans elves
> etc.? Are there different races of Dragons or only one race or is each
> dragon unique?  Do they fly? do they breath flame? Do they use magic?
> I want to put a few in Thjarr is this ok?
> Can i design them or is this already claimed?
> please respond i want to get a consensus.
> Joshua 'hook' Corning

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