Subject: Re: Dragons?
From: Sinister Serpent (
Date: Sun Sep 26 1999 - 13:32:21 EEST
joshua 'hook' corning wrote: > > Do dragons exist in majik? Are they intelligent? How rare are they? If > they are intelligent, how often do they associate with humans elves > etc.? Are there different races of Dragons or only one race or is each > dragon unique? Do they fly? do they breath flame? Do they use magic? > > I want to put a few in Thjarr is this ok? > > Can i design them or is this already claimed? > > please respond i want to get a consensus. > > Joshua 'hook' Corning > I do not know how are they decided to be, but I think dragons should be RARE and very powerful, maybe the most powerful race of creatures on the planet. There should be different races of Dragons I think, and most of them should be very intelligent and could use magic. Some of the could fly while others could not. Some of them should have breath weapon, but not all. Just my thoughts about dragons. -- / Jerry Kurunen / Sinister \ / ~ Serpent of Nightside ~ \ -- -- < > ~ <> -- -- / Homepage: \ Nightside homepage: E-mail: <>
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