Subject: Re: Dragons?
From: Beregar (
Date: Mon Sep 27 1999 - 08:42:53 EEST
joshua 'hook' corning wrote: > Do dragons exist in majik? Are they intelligent? How rare are they? If > they are intelligent, how often do they associate with humans elves > etc.? Are there different races of Dragons or only one race or is each > dragon unique? Do they fly? do they breath flame? Do they use magic? yes, yes, very rare, never if they are not found, i don't know, at least something unique, some do, some do, yes. > I want to put a few in Thjarr is this ok? I have already one very close to it, celestial type (500m+), non flying, no breath weapon, cast spells, sleeping, young for celestial and drains power from ancient monument & guards it, never meddles with mor tals unless they find it. > Can i design them or is this already claimed? I'd prefer they are unique, rick is modelling one for me. I have described one and soon describing another. My dragons are extremely powerful, they can easily wipe out cities even without their magic. Dragons should not meddle with mortals except in very rare situations since they are simply too powerful for it. I recall we planned dragons to be Majik's oldest living creatures but we didn't decide whether they were creation of the Gods or if they have some more mysterious beginning (I think that at least one has). As I said: that celestial type is very near Thjarr and another is in the Ghalimcar desert. That celestial type dragon is more like a huge worm but the one in Ghalimcar has more ordinary appearance. - Beregar (
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