Battle automatic

Subject: Battle automatic
From: Taneli Tikka (
Date: Fri Aug 27 1999 - 18:07:42 EEST

I dont have much time to write mails right now so i'll be brief.
I think we should code alot of automatic functions based on character
skills and stats/knowledge.. after all this is a ROLEPLAYING game and that
should make it possible for even a stupid player to play wise mage, or a
man without legs or arms :) to play good swordsman. The player himself
should not be forced to do every single action in combat (or anywhere
else).. there should be alot of automatic stuff going on, based on how
good his character is. example :
character sees orc. Some automatic race-knowledge skill is checked and now
he knows they are orcs, some combat-awarness skill notices that they have
bad intentions and they use tactics to get the player in crossfire.
automatic tactis-skill kicks in right away, as does automatic fast-draw
skill for sword (the sword just pops right to characters hand if he is
good at fast drawing and combat reflexes).. then he is ready for combat
which is full of automatic parry/dodge/others..

JUST like in muds, you dont have to type "dodge" every time you want your
tank to dodge in combat. 

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