Re: User interface proposal

Subject: Re: User interface proposal
From: Jerry 'Sinister' Kurunen (
Date: Thu Aug 26 1999 - 00:58:10 EEST

> Me (Dazzt), Harum and Namhas had a small gathering this evening,
> discussing the user interface. We looked at some modern first-person games
> to see how others had done it and how we could do better ( :) ).
> The following points were agreed upon and will be implemented unless
> someone suggests a better option.
> Controlling your character requires both using your keyboard (movement)
> and your mouse (head). This mouse-keyboard style seems to be quite
> standard in first-person games today, allowing fast turns and glancing etc
> which are impossible to do with plain keyboard.
> While your character is standing still, moving the mouse turns the head.
> If you try to turn your head sideways more than the neck would allow, the
> character will turn. If you are moving forwards, turning character's head
> also turns his body, maybe with little delay so you can glance to one side
> or another while running straight forward.
> We didn't decide anything specific on the object handling, except that
> there will be no separate "inventories". If you want to look into the
> pouch in your belt, you turn your head so you can see it and click on it
> to see what it contains.
> My idea for generic item-handling is that clicking the left mouse button
> would "use" an item in your hand (hit with a weapon, light a torch, read
> a scroll etc), and right mouse button would "manipulate" (pick, drop,
> press a button etc).
> Using this as an example, a battle might go like this:
> You see a couple of ugly orcs charging at you from the nearby forest.
> Feeling like a tough guy you decide to fight them. First, you look down at
> the sword sheath tied to your belt, click right mouse button on the sword
> (we need a somekind of cursor or crosshair to coordinate actions) to wield
> it, and start fighting using the left mouse button. With better luck,
> you might have survived :).
> I'd like to have comments on this, just to know what do you think
> of it.


This system sounds _GREAT_. I like 1st person shooters quite much, and
with my experience of them I would say that this system sounds both
interesting and versatile, and as the icing on the cake, somewhat
realistic, too.

You *should* use system like this.

~ Serpent - elder god of evil sleeping in the Abyss ~
    /              Jerry Kurunen / Sinister               \
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