Re: Unidentified subject!

Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
From: Juha Jantunen (
Date: Tue Aug 17 1999 - 22:10:00 EEST

On Wed, 18 Aug 1999 15:38:59 +0300 (EET DST) Atte Koivula <>
>There is only one casting system and that is the 3-way
>magical symbol system introduced by Malekith. However,
>there are several subtypes (I don\'t care if there are 2,
>20 or 200 as long as all are fundamentally different), 
>of magic such as elementalism, shamanism etc and they all
>are members of magical classes. These classes are: primal, 
>academic, religious and divine. 

(four types)

On Wed, 18 Aug 1999 18:56:16 +0300 Beregar <> wrote:
>...and as people already answered to you, we have only two
>magic systems divine magic which comes from gods and has
>nothing to do with normal magic (which in my vision is only
>tool created by them) and symbolic magic which concists
>of three different ways to imitate true command symbols of
>the Gods.

(two types)

So which is it? I'm rooting for the two types as I said, that makes more
sense to me, but which is it?

Juha Jantunen           | ========================== Talgor - Janus - Shifter
Keisarinmajantie 4 H 2  | ===== Minna baka. =============== Shadowrun - Magic
48230 Kotka             | ====================== Life - Universe - Everything
Finland                 | ======== Anime - Manga - Babylon 5 - Trek - Sandman           | Jean-Michel Jarre - Bob Marley - Christopher Franke
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