Subject: Magic
From: Beregar (
Date: Wed Aug 18 1999 - 00:32:10 EEST
I took following text from archived mail which, i think, Incisor wrote: Everyday peasants might have learned magical gestures and perhaps, some mean parents scare their children with them - however, the gestures, without correct background applied, are USELESS. Spellcasters are born with some special spark or gift that allows them to reach some hidden source or supply of magical energy and use this to power their enchantments and spells I think everyone should be able to use magic if he/she knows the right gestures or symbols. That "Spellcasters are born with some special spark or gift..." suggestion is very stupid for it is compareable to those rules in d&d:s where a mage can't wear an armor or priest wield a edged weapon. We should avoid this kind of cliches. - Beregar (
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