Re:Mortal/God history

Subject: Re:Mortal/God history
From: Mikkonen Jani (
Date: Mon Dec 20 1999 - 15:18:00 EET

Kim Kunnas  (20.12.1999  15:12):
>In case you didn't know, Hook is making general mortal history so if you
>have made history for your race, you better send it to him. If you have
>not, you better make it. Btw it seems that time between room crash and
>cataclysm is ~10000 years (10000 being a round number, I guess Hook won't
>be too picky if you add few hundreds or thousand years there, round
>numbers look so artificial, sorry Hook :P).
>If you have any additions to "God" history, mail them to me since Mandor
>seems to be too busy.
>Thank you
>- Beregar Dar'Eldath (

Mandor has my historywritings - in finnish- so that you have to
translate it :)

- Brethel -

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