Re: A summary of things decided

Subject: Re: A summary of things decided
From: Atte Koivula (
Date: Fri Dec 17 1999 - 11:54:35 EET

Yes, these are 100% approved, certified, accepted and acknowledged. I'll
put my "GOD" -stamp on everything presented here.

> Are these things 100% accepted now so we can write files about
> them. (Answer no is not accepted j/k :P)
> On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Kaoru Shalamberidze wrote:
> >
> > Contents of this mail are based on the majik 'pikkujoulu' con and a
> > converstation that has involved atleast : Mandor, Yokraturr, Dazzt,
> > Namhas, Harum, Beregar, Brethel, Mirithil, Malekith, some parts are
> > also 'chatted straight' with Hook and Eleril.
> >
> > The purpose of this mail is to wrap up some decisions and give them the
> > absolute final stamp of "approved". End of debate and bullshit.
> >
> > The stuff presented here :
> >
> > 1.  Nature of magic / structure of reality
> > 2.  Spells
> > 3.  Events behind the creation
> > 4.  The elder gods
> > 5.  The new gods
> > 6.  The ancients
> > 7.  Men
> > 8.  War of gods
> > 9.  Power levels
> > 10. Kinetics between gods
> > 11. The sages
> > 12. Divine points and power mechanisms
> > 13. Avatars
> > 14. Flying rooms
> > 15. NPC's
> > 16. Starting player list
> > 17. The cataclysm
> > 18. Timeline of events in Majik
> >
> >
> > All this stuff here HAS BEEN DECIDED these are NOT proposals.
> >
> > ---
> >
> > 1. Nature of magic and structure of reality
> >
> > Just like in quantum physics, also the majik universe consists of very
> > small parts. These are the parts that from reality. Also the basic idea
> > and force behind magic. They can be called Vim, Vis, Magical Force, Prime
> > Particles, or what ever you will. Lets you Prime Particles or PP in this
> > description. Just like small quantum particles form quarks, protons, atoms
> > etc. In the same way PP's form patterns and patterns from pattern groups.
> > These patterns construct things like time, matter, energy, mind, spirit,
> > space, soul, entropy, etc, etc.. all the spheres/symbols/domains or what
> > ever you want to call them. Everything within the creation is based on
> > PP's and patterns. They are building blocks of reality and existence.
> >
> > When the elder gods created the universe they designed it to work on these
> > basics, there was no magic before this event. Thus elder gods created
> > magic. And they know exactly how the universe works. They see beyond the
> > normal illusion of existence, they know what is beyond.
> >
> > The whole concept of magic is mislead, since there is no such thing, magic
> > is the same as reality. Same as our atoms and leptons, quarks and bosons.
> > The only difference is that in the universe of majik the gods made it
> > possible to see the patterns forming everyhting and they also made it
> > possible for those with skill to manipulate the patterns. That leads us
> > to:
> >
> > 2. Spells
> >
> > Also the concept of spells is a bit mislead. It is as obscure are things
> > like "skill" "talent" "attitude" etc.. in real life. Magic is the act of
> > manipulating reality, or to be more precise the act of manipulating the
> > patterns that form reality. Almost none - NOT EVEN the new gods are able
> > to manipulate everything by manipulating single PP's, that is a vast power
> > usually only in the hands of elder gods. This is a meta-physical base
> > level dealing directly with the base components of reality. Same magical
> > effects can be generated by perhaps a 100 different ways, thus there isnt
> > any one spell like "fireball" the effects similar to "fireball" can be
> > generated by many different reality-manipulative ways, like : changing the
> > energy patterns to create fire, transmuting matter to energy, transporting
> > fire from future/past to the present, transporting fire from another place
> > to this place.. etc.. Players have to able to create their own
> > combinations and their own "spells".. a player mage can invent a
> > comnination that changes reality and gives a fireball-like effect as a
> > result and then he can label that as 'fireball' and cast it as suchs on
> > later day.
> >
> > 3. Events behind the creation
> >
> > First there was Namhas alone in the void. After him came Aluna, Dalia and
> > Sinister. Aluna being 'white' Dalia being 'grey' and Sinister being
> > 'black' After them came their descedants, Dazzt, Mandor, Harum and
> > Yorkaturr. Dalia got too close to Sinister and started being more black
> > than grey, this resulted in Aluna killing Dalia. These events took
> > namaless eons in the world of the void. Also while in the void the gods
> > experiemented, created servants, did their doings for many millena. After
> > eons of age Namhas decided that it was time for something greater, time to
> > start the creation. Gods pretty much destroyed or abandoned their old
> > affairs and servants, bahished them in the abyss. These 7 beings, namhas,
> > aluna, sinister, dazzt, mandor, harum and yorkaturr constructed the
> > universe and did the creation. They based the structure on prime particles
> > and alloved them to be manipulated, thus creating magic (above) they built
> > the whole creation based on similar rules - which however where on their
> > own everchanging hands. The rest of this history follows in Majik time
> > line.
> >
> > 4. The elder gods
> >
> > Elder gods are the most powerful beings in the creation - pretty much
> > because its their own bloody creation :).. Their true forms can never
> > exist in the creation, they always have their true forms in the world of
> > the void. They always use avatars of projections to interact with the
> > creation, thou they can manipulate the creation even from the void. Their
> > true form can never be visible, material or anything alike. Their true
> > forms cannot be touched by anything in the creation, and thus they never
> > can be even harmed - except by each other. Only another elder gods can
> > really harm another. New gods or other beings can destroy the avatars of
> > elder gods, if they have enough power to do that - but just wait a while
> > and that elder god you just killed is back with even meaner avatar :) with
> > a venegance. Elder gods arent just only beings, but also forces that are
> > at work in the universe. Yorkaturr the god of death IS death in every
> > sense. When somebody dies Yorkaturr is there to take him away. The same
> > thing goes for Mandor, when sun has set his presence fills the world in
> > the form of darkness. The portions of elder gods overlap somewhat, but
> > that is ment to be so.
> >
> > 5. The new gods
> >
> > New gods are the first servants and 'assistant powers' created by the
> > elder gods to control and manage the creation. The new gods now in
> > god-level power are the most promising ones of those ever made, they have
> > managed to survive for a very very long time, and they have considerable
> > power. Most powerful of them have about the same power and influence over
> > the creation as do the elder gods - witch the exception that they are part
> > of the creation, not outside it like the elder gods. They can be killed
> > and they can never exist in the primodial world of the void.
> >
> > 6. The ancients
> >
> > The ancients are former new gods or beings who took the form of flesh.
> > They avoided the war of gods by doing this. Their share in the order of
> > things has become a smaller one over time. But they are the ancestors of
> > some races that dwell the world today. Sages belong to this race of the
> > ancients. Today after the cataclysm they are few in existence.
> >
> > 7. Men
> >
> > Humanity was created in the middle of the war of gods by new gods. They
> > created humans to aid them, to ally with them, and to feed them power.
> > Humanity worshipped the new gods and gave them power. Since the patterns
> > of life, soul, spirit and mind are powerfulones, this would have been a
> > good plan - it they ever would have had any change of winning the elder
> > gods. Some of the mannish races were also created by the elder gods, but
> > this was at a later date, after new gods created the first of men.
> >
> > 8. War of gods
> >
> > Some time after the creation the servants of elder gods (new gods) started
> > to disagree with their masters, they even abandoned them in some cases.
> > There were very many spirits/new gods in exitence and only those 7 old
> > geezer gods. Some of the spirits started to gather knowledge and power,
> > make war with each other and so on. When they finally got powerful enough
> > they turned against the elder gods. They got very powerhungry and had
> > severe delusions of grandeour. The war lasted a very long time. Partly
> > because the elder gods had very little interest in it :).. and the end
> > result was clear, new gods lost. After the war elder gods forced new gods
> > to take responsibilities within the creation. And they did so partly by
> > their own will too. World came to a new order and has stayed as such.
> >
> > 9. Power levels
> >
> > I     elder gods - namhas
> > II    elder gods - sinister and aluna
> > III   elder gods - dazzt, mandor, harum and yorkaturr
> >
> > IV    new gods - god level
> > V     new gods - lesser god level
> > VI    new gods - demigod level
> >
> > VII   the ancients and the sages
> >
> > Within the levels there ofcourse exists quite view differences, but these
> > are the major brakepoints in power.
> >
> > 10. Kinetics between gods
> >
> > Kinetics of power between mandor, harum and yorkaturr are interesting.
> > They change almost constantly, since these 3 sons step on each others toes
> > and partly overlap sinisters domain aswell. Yorkaturr also dislikes both
> > his brothers, but doesnt dislike sinister. The 3 brothers rarely unite,
> > rarely work together or towards a single goal. They even fight somewhat
> > with each other to 'shake things out'
> >
> > There also exists a nice balance between Dazzt and the 3 brothers. Dazzt
> > is the most powerful of elder god-level gods, He alone against any one
> > single person of the 3 brothers and dazzt would win. But 2 brothers united
> > can beat Dazzt. But since the 3 dont much do things together the balance
> > stays. There also is link between Yorkaturr and Dazzt.. since there is no
> > death without life and no life without death. All healing also requires
> > dying and dying requires healing. This group of 4 gods tend to avoid each
> > other alot.
> >
> > 11. The sages
> >
> > The sages are ancients who took the form of "flesh" the form doesnt have
> > to exactly flesh, but it cant be that of celestial spirit either. Sages
> > are ancient creatures all the way from the time before the war of gods.
> > They watched and learned while others did war, and it was the sages who
> > first predicted the loss of the new gods. The sages today interact with
> > gods and other powers on daily basis. Sages help them, inform them, serve
> > them etc.. or just simply hang around with them. Some sages are even older
> > than some god-level new gods. And almost certainly older than any demigod
> > in existence. Their knowledge is vast and their insight great. And they
> > know the act of manipulating reality very well indeed. And they know gods,
> > some of them even personally.
> >
> > 12. Divine points and power mechanisms
> >
> > Elder gods have _VAST_ number of dinive points and power. They dont need
> > to be worshipped as much to get more of them either. An elder god might
> > even step outside the creation and summon a huge pile of power and then
> > come back - thus effectively generating power from thin air. But usually
> > its too much of a hassle and they have enough power anyways. There also is
> > a power mechanism behind the flow of divine points, much like a pyramid
> > effect in network marketing or something. Eventually everythig will end up
> > to namhas, all good to aluna and all bad to sinister. Elder gods can also
> > draw power from beyond this reality (creating from thin air) Elder gods
> > also have a huge number of woshippers. The power comes flowing from down
> > to up. From the lowest demigod all the way up to namhas.
> >
> > New gods have more narrow domains than elder gods, and they DO NOT have
> > the ability to drain power from cources outside this reality. But they are
> > high in the chain-of-power mechanism, that means that they will get quite
> > much power aswell. However even they can't never fully understand the
> > creation and this reality as good as can those who made it (the elder
> > gods).
> >
> > 13. Avatars
> >
> > Elder gods in the reality always use avatars. What is a true form to a new
> > gods is simply just a prime-avatar for an elder god. Also the earthly
> > avatars of gods exist in the world all the time. There are some nodes or
> > places of power where the skeleton of Yorkaturr sits silently on his
> > throne. When Yorkaturr takes that form it awakens. These avatars can be
> > summoned by powerful ritual that tear reality apart and cause these things
> > to happen. So it is possible to an avatar of Harum without the spirit of
> > harum being inside it. Also death may come to avatars, as well as all
> > other things in the creation. Gods are pretty hard to kill thou..
> >
> > 14. Flying rooms
> >
> > There was 2 "flying rooms" but they were NOT at any point called 'flying
> > rooms' instead in stories there exist names like 'celestial castles'
> > 'floating mountains' 'celestial mountains' 'sky cities' 'places of origin'
> > etc etc.. The 2 flying thingies were created by new gods in the mids of
> > the war of gods. The other place contained all 'goodie' races like
> > ordinary men, elves etc.. the other contained monster races, and evil ones
> > like trolls. They were 2 huge flying inverted mountains that were kept in
> > hiding from the elder gods and that crashed to the soil of the world.
> > >From these places of origin the races spread all over the world.
> >
> > 15. NPC's
> >
> > We dont want dumpass stupid NPC's to run everything. So they are used as
> > little as possible. But they ARE used as assistants and servants by the
> > players. A player own a bakery - he hires a few dumpass NPC's to run it
> > while he isnt online etc.. We try to create as good AI as possible for
> > NPC's and even better and heavier one for NPC monsters who play a much
> > bigger role than assistants. Hopefully players want to run everything
> > themselfs and hopefully we have enough players to do that.
> >
> > 16. Starting player list
> >
> > We decided to gather a list of maybe 500-2000 players that are COMITTED to
> > play the game once it opens. The game starts right after the events of the
> > cataclysm and these 500-2000 players are the ones that build the base of
> > the world again. After they have done enough the game is really opened for
> > everyone. By the time this happens the 500-2000 players will be respected
> > elders, land lords or other old geezers or powerful heroes, helping
> > newbies and perhaps dominating part of them - but hey thats the way it
> > goes. We advertise alot and gather a good 500+ names for this cataclysm
> > launch of events.
> >
> > 17. The cataclysm
> >
> > Events of the cataclysm went as follows :
> >
> > - The background events are deep in history. There existed several
> >   powerful beings and creatures that all developed towards this event
> >   with or without their own knowledge.
> > - After countless years they started forming groups, one was sinisters
> >   covenant, and one the sinisters group of liches, there were others
> >   aswell, many others, no one really knows them all since all these
> >   groups were secretive and shady. Some smaller groups formed
> >   alliances and grew bigger.
> > - They tested their powers against each others and played with great
> >   affairs. They battled over things like people, artifacts, knowledge,
> >   wealth.. etc.. everything.
> > - This testing escalated into more serious competition and fraction.
> > - By this time the different groups had much influence among humanity
> >   and the undead. They started to increase and abuse their power
> >   in a great scale of things.
> > - The first negative effects hit the lesser new gods
> > - The groups started an all out war and grew ever stronger in power
> > - They started to attract a huge volume of devoted followers for
> >   their ideals, which were forexample atheism and satanism + others.
> >   People grew more ignorant towards the gods and more supportive
> >   towards their powerful leaders, the different wizardy cabals.
> >   Who gave them something of value and a sense of greater purpose.
> > - As more effects backfired on gods they started to realise that this
> >   all wasnt a good thing
> > - The cabals and their followers went offensive and started to really
> >   resist the gods and the old ways.
> > - The new gods started to resist and fight back, only to find that
> >   the elder gods, mainly the evil trio of mandor, harum and yorkaturr
> >   were almost entirely behind all this. Mandor feeding hunger for power,
> >   harum waging for war and yorkaturr harvesting the dead.
> > - Good gods like Dazzt and other lesser ones started a campaign to
> >   help humanity from falling apart. Their efforts were eventually
> >   lost however.
> > - The ranks of new gods started to fall apart. Most of their worshippers
> >   were now gone or against them. Much of their support and power was
> >   gone from their reach. They tried even harder to do something
> >   about it but they had too much resistance from the evil elder
> >   gods, and the the 9 horsemen of evil.
> > - The workings of the cabal lead to open war of demons and other beings
> >   the undead roamed the world and the 9 horsemen caused havoc.
> > - World escalated towards chaos as the new gods abandoned their duties
> >   and because of that even more things started to go wrong. The
> >   powerhungry cabals had managed to destroy sages, ancients and even
> >   few new gods. The real destruction started about this time.
> > - New gods whined beyond anything before. But it was the will of the
> >   elders that let humanity destroy themselfs - simply because they
> >   are such an assess. Conclave of gods decided to do nothing. Sit and
> >   watch as puny humans destroy themselfs.
> > - All the evil creatures of the world finally came out of hiding and
> >   joined the symphony of destruction, also good paladins and great
> >   holy warriors tried to slay the evil ones. But it was the core
> >   of the people that was rotten and what caused the most of the
> >   destruction.
> > - Chaos, disorder and madness swept throught the world.
> >   Apocalyptic events took place.
> > - Humanity got their share of extreme natural phenomenon, diseases,
> >   madness and chaos. As en end result amnesia came.
> > - After their leaders gone and the world in ruins the people still
> >   remember some of the old ways and might even return to those paths.
> >
> > 18. Timeline in the world of majik
> >
> > - Namhas in the void
> > - Aluna, Dalia and Sinister
> > - Birth of Dazzt, Mandor, Harum and Yorkaturr
> > - Destruction of Dalia
> > - Abandoning of the voidal life
> > - The creation
> > - Creation of servant spirits
> > - The ways separate to new gods, ancients and sages
> > - Plantlife and the world is created
> > - Sinister freezez the world in his fate of the sun
> > - Aluna defrobs the world, mostly
> > - Sinister takes the great mirror
> > - The new gods start to gather power and might
> > - The war between gods start
> > - Sinister brakes his great mirror, demons enter the world
> > - New gods create humanity
> > - Elder gods find out but dont care
> > - Elder gods create few species of their own
> > - The war escalates into a point where the new gods are powerless
> > - Elder gods win, the world takes a new order
> > - Prosperous times follow, humanity grows and life is beautiful
> > - The powerhungry cabals start to get formed
> > - Their struggle escalates into a war
> > - The chaos begins
> > - Gods decide to do nothing
> > - The cataclysm takes place
> > - Now
> >
> > This timeline is only a pretty quick draft =) this should be filled in
> > more perfectly at a later time. But iv been writing this damn mail for
> > like 2 hours now, id like very much to finish this.
> >
> > .mandor
> >
> >

/Atte "Yorkaturr" Koivula <>

True darkness is not the absence of light.

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