Re: Mirror (in summary of things decided)

Subject: Re: Mirror (in summary of things decided)
From: Kaoru Shalamberidze (
Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 19:02:24 EET

On Tue, 7 Dec 1999, Sinister Serpent wrote:

> Mikkonen Jani wrote:
> >
> > - Sinister brakes his mirror, demons enter the world. (I think Sinister would
> > like to add some story and tell what he or Yorkaturr did with these demons.
> > Could there have been several horsemans among those demons etc. etc.)
> If there is a need for a story of this mirror and the consequences of
> breaking it, I could write something. Just inform me if it is needed or
> not.

I would like to hear it, i liked the story so far. (the story brethel gave
me).. We are trying to fit other "smaller things in history" into the
timeline aswell. So if any other designer has timeline-events even the
personal events of sages or their stories etc.. post something about them


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